HOMEWORK During Pandemic

Below is all of the information that you need for the next two weeks. An email was sent last week but has since been updated. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Also, pass along information to fellow classmates!

go to Commonlit.org to sign up for your hour!

1st hour 66BK95
2nd hour EYQLB3
3rd hour 95D7BR
4th hour KL3K93 
5th hour ZE4LZD    

This contains information regarding CommonLit and signups for your class hour for ELA. I will also post each week's hyperlinks to my blog (rob.dameron.blogspot.com) as well as send an email with links.

For next week April 20th: Please use this week to catch up on any missed work since March 13th.

For the week of April 27th, make sure that you follow the directions below.

CommonLit has renewed and updated. We have new codes for our classroom hours above.

Follow the attached sheet to the email sent to you for signup procedures.

Hard copies will be available for those who do not have phones or internet connection.
*These assignments may be done using a cellular phone if you do not have access to a
Chromebook or tablet.
Links to assignments:


Assignments starting from March 13th:
Mr. Dameron ELA 11
Night novel
Reading and Writing
Essay Practice
Sample Essay Practice

Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13​ Focus on NIGHT reading
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Days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 NIGHT PAGE LOCATOR:​ in order to have correct size on computer, page 66 starts
with, “The summer was coming to an end.”
All assignments that require short answers, prompt responses, and Night essay must be submitted to me upon completion of that day.
Please send to dameronr@clintondaleschools.net ******Night essay paper will be due on day 15.
Day 1​ ​Night novel Read pages 66-76
Answer the following Questions:
  1. Describe Elie's encounter with the dentist.
  2. What did Elie Wiesel do when Idek hit his father? What was he thinking?
  3. Who took Elie's gold tooth? Why did Elie give it up?
  4. What were the only things in which Elie took an interest?
  5. How did Elie describe the men after the air raid?
  6. What happened to the young man from Warsaw? Why?
  7. How did Elie say the soup tasted the night the pipel (young servant boy) was
Focus on SAT prep work
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Day 2​ ​Reading and WritingComplete Reading quizzes 1 and 2Day 3​ ​Night novelRead pages 77-84
Prompt: What is so terrifying about Elie being in the hospital? Why is he there?

Day 4​ ​Reading and Writing Complete Reading quiz 3 Day 5​ ​Night novel
Read pages 85-97
Answer the following Questions:
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1. 2. 3.
5. 6. 7.
What did the men do on the eve of Rosh Hashana?
How did Elie feel while the others were praying?
What was Elie's decision about fasting on Yom Kippur? Why did he make that decision?
What was Elie's "inheritance" from his father? Why was his father giving it to him?
Did the men remember to say the Kaddish for Akiba Drumer?
What did Elie dream of when he dreamed of a better world?
What happened to the patients who stayed in the hospital instead of being evacuated?
Day 6Complete Reading quiz 4
Reading and Writing
Day 7​ ​Night novel Read pages 98-112
Prompt: Write a one-page reflection on how Elie is helping his father. Why is this such a difficult task for him? Why is it dangerous for him?
Day 8 Essay PracticeClick on link and practice ( using Addendum Sheet) SAT essay “Todd Davidson”
Day 9​ ​Night novel Read pages 98-112
Answer the following Questions:
  1. While running, an idea began to fascinate Elie. What was the idea? What kept him from carrying out his idea?
  2. What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son?
  3. What was the name of the camp to which the men walked?
  4. Describe Elie's meeting with Juliek.
  5. How long were they at Gleiwitz? Where did they go next?
  6. Who was Meir Katz? What happened to him?
  7. How many men started out in the train? How many were left when they arrived at
  8. What happened to Mr. Wiesel, Elie's father?
  9. What was Elie's only desire?
10.What happened on April 10, 1945?
Day 10​ Essay Practice
Essay practice # 2 Click on link and practice ( using Addendum Sheet) SAT essay “Richard Shiffman”
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Day 11 ​​Night novelRead pages 113-115 Begin looking at essay prompts and start gathering your
Day 12-14
Essay Prompts. 1-2 pages. MLA format. Choose ONE
Essay topic: The Rabbi of Kotzk, a European village later destroyed in the Holocaust, is famous for being bold enough to challenge God: “Our Father, our King,” he said, “I shall continue to call You Father until You become our Father.” For Wiesel, is there a purpose to faith even without the existence or justice of God? Explain how Elie’s faith was challenged over the course of the novel. Provide several examples to serve as evidence from the novel. Length: 1-2 pages.
Essay topic: Explain how Elie’s relationship with his father overcame many obstacles. Were there times he wanted to leave his father? Explain other father/son relationships. How did Elie and his father’s relationship differ and undergo changes over the course of the novel. Provide several examples to serve as evidence from the novel. Length: 1-2 pages.


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